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Mobile DX expiditions

I have homemade a car roof mounting system, that consist of a swingable tube that is 50mm thick.
this tube is 2meter long, inside this tube is a 4 meter 38mm tube mounted.
When I'm at my DX location, the two iron tubes goes out in full length, about 5meters.
At the top a full size quarterwave antenna for the 40meter band is mounted !, this antenne is almost 10meters long !!
The car roof is about 1.4 meter height, so the top of the antenns is about 16.4 meters !!
The antenna has also four full size radials (10meter long) they also work as barduns to hold and support the antenna,
they are mounted directly in the ground with 4 metal sticks

Dates of expiditions, Whom, Where

31 may 2000, OZ2CPU - OZ7AKT - OZ4JIM, North Copenhagen Denmark (antenna test and adjustment)
20 June 2000, OZ2CPU - OZ7AKT, West Copenhagen Denmark (A new antenna test)
July 2000, OZ2CPU, France, Switzerland..

QSL manager for expiditions is always OZ7AKT, when we recieve your QSL we wil send our special expidition card back to you 100%

Info from June 20, 2000

Pictures will come here soon

Countries we had contact with that night, order of contact:
Japan, Russia, Spain, Germany, Finland, Greece, Portugal, Yogoslavia,
Belgium, Italy, Monaco, Ukraine, Georgia, France, England.

Check your callsign in my complete list of callsigns

Pictures and info from May the 31st, 2000.

Here is OZ4JIM and OZ7AKT making the power cords fits the car battery.

A closeup of my homemade iron stuff, take a note that is can turn up and down quite easy.

Me OZ2CPU having a good pileup on 40 meters. With the Yaesu FT-920 transceiver.
7.055 LSB was the frequency !! Thanks alot to all the stations that we had contact with !

Here is OZ7AKT, having contacts on 10 and 20 meters, bad luck that the car anti theft system, was going nuts when transmitting on 20m, but we had some contacts with USA on 1-2 watts on 20m.

The antenna late night, the arrow is showing the top ! The car is 4.44 meters long.
It was totaly dark when we left this site, about 10km north of Copenhagen, outside a small village called Risby.
We learned alot on this test tour, next time we will bring some more power with us and also some more light for the night..

Countries we had contact with that night, order of contact:
Lithunia, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Scotland, Belgium, England,
Ukraine, Austria, Spain, Northern-ireland, Russia, Canada, USA, and Panama.

Check your callsign in my complete list of callsigns