You know the problem ? have an old RC transmitter with no timer function at all ?
You fly, and have fun, and forget the time ? plane runs out of fuel/power ? bang crash or long walk ?
This speaking timer can also be used inside modern RC transmitters to impress your friends,
and at the same time it helps you keep your eyes in the air while you constantly know the flying time.
This speaking talking minute timer, says the flying time in a loud and clear voice every minute,
starting with a beep and 0.5 sek delay and then the minute passed, the beep is made nice short, just to get your attention.
The pushbutton acts as a toogle function, if the timer is running, it will stop it, if it is stopped it will start it.
At first it says: "Beep - Start" to indicate start from zero, one minute later it says: "Beep - One" and so on.
When stopped it says: "Stop" simple and easy.
The hardware is quite small and simple, the 26x26mm board can be installed inside any transmitter.
You need to find a 5V supply available, or add a 7805 5V regulator (not included) if your transmitter dont have 5V internally.
Some minor electronic skills are needed to install it. however the board is
assembled and programmed and tested.
Here is a closeup of the board, Connections: S=Speaker +=the positive
supply 4.5 to 5.5V, K=the pushbutton switch hot part, the other side of the
switch goes to ground,
P=not used yet, A=not used yet. The pads in the upper left corner are the
programming and serial port, dont connect any thing here.
Here seen together with two of my fingers, to indicate the little size.
Installation in RC Transmitter.
Print out some nice accurate dots, could be like mine,
or what ever you want.
cut out and mark with a needle, carefully drill up with bigger and bigger drills
to make it most accurate.
Glue the speaker with cyano or heat-melt glue.
See it almost look proffesional if you are lucky with the drilling.
The board on this picture is an old prototype, using a cut-off board piece,
yours will look much better.
Now this good old transmitter is ready to fly, and will get alot of attention
and respect out there :-)
Made by OZ5DZL and OZ2CPU, November 2006 - Jan 2007