Radio amateur OZ2CPU mainpage links to ALL the good stuff

Homemade Electronics Nixie tube clocks - IR - EPROM - Counters - Chargers - and much more

Digital Wattmeter Project NEW SOFTWARE AVAILABLE 

AP2000 Radio modifications

Want to contact me ?
PC computer modifications, homemade watercooling and other projects and much more.
Radio Controlled RC Planes, Cars, Boats, Homemade RC electronic projects
TST Elektronik, firma siden
My live online weather station, Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus
www.copenhagensuborbitals.com The most impressive Amateur Rocket project ever seen, test in 2009, flight in 2010
I am proud to be a small part of this project. Please visit and see pictures and video clips
Scuba Dive is fun, my little dive page

See my youtube channel Teardown, Electronics repair, 3D printing, 3D design, Fusion 360
Fairman Werner Scherrer was my father
He designed and made Fairman TMEQ TMC TRC TSC TMA DBX 786 mic pre. M8 modules M251 U67 tube mics and many other cool tube and studio audio products
The Fairman web page is no longer online after he passed away march 2023, so i made a copy of it all, you can access from my link above.
If you need any type of Fairman product technical support try to ask me, maybe i got the documentation.
.On my pages you can find: HF RF Wattmeter using RSSI power detector AD8307 PIC16F876 PIC16F84 LED display Serial Programmer
My Radio amateur callsign is OZ2CPU homemade homebrew nixie tube clock kit and nixie tube collection some ZM1040 B7971 nixie clocks are multiplexed and others are direct driven using 74141
I like to use Atmel AVR Atmega PIC16 PIC16F876 PIC16F84 most electronics easy made for the novice and something is for the more experianced,
Homemade HF radio ssb transmitter DDS SBL-1 RF mixer direct digital synthese CW VHF UHF transmitter homebrew antenna wireless
watercooling PC mod modification PC powersupply watercooled copper drilling turning milling soldering
temperature display with PIC16F876 measures all temperatures inside my PC using LED display, plus 3452 other things, even secret stuff.