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Datasette Tapedeck interface for phone used as audio data, Commodore 64 128

The idea is to use a phone app to convert program data into audio sound as it came from the casseteplayer (datasette) originally
The best app i have found for this is called TapDancer it is for Android.
OK so now you got audio data from your phone, but need it to be converted into digital data,
many circuits exist for this online, how ever they are very complex, all they do is to amplify the analog sound,
and make it into hi-low digital data with a bit hysteresis to add noise filtering
This can be done much simpler by this circuit:

schematic is very simple.

first test using normal big parts.

found an original connector and tapedeck, took this picture so I can get back to normal if needed one day

The end of the connector, it is possible to use a normal PCB edge connector also.

using SMD parts, it all fits inside the connector, here zoomed, blue wire not connected to show it all

blue wire in correct place.

YES it really works, Boulderdash loads 100% every time, the number one C64 game ever.


Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU 2017
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