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EPROM Programmer

This EPROM Programmer can copy from board A to board B
It can read and write 2704-2708 in the two green sockets
The two black ZIP sockets are for 2716 til 27512
All programming voltages can be selected, the programming time is 50mS at each address
The address counter display show both HEX and DEC addres at the same time
This unit is constructed in 1992 and use no CPU, all is made with gates and counters

The 19 inch rack seen from top

This is the B copy module, only write operations can be done

This is the TIMER and programming voltage pulse generator

The A Master board, only READ operations can be done on the inserted EPROM
This board also has a parallel port interface, so that data can be transfered to and from a PC

The addres counter and display uses 4 EPROMs to convert the HEX value to the LED
The 4 EPROMs can also write simple messages in the display

EPROM pinout list: 24pin and 28pin 2708 2716 2732 2764 27128 27256 26512

ha ha, i found my original hand drawing quite a lot of places on the internet,
it is from 1992 :-)
always nice to see people can use my work.